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Interface strictTournamentParameters

Same as tournamentParameters but with name and url being strictly required




Optional accept_attachments

accept_attachments: boolean

Allow match attachment uploads (default: false)

Optional check_in_duration

check_in_duration: number

Length of the participant check-in window in minutes.

Optional description

description: string

Description/instructions to be displayed above the bracket

Optional grand_finals_modifier

grand_finals_modifier: tournamentGrandFinalsModifierEnum

This option only affects double elimination

Optional hide_forum

hide_forum: boolean

Hide the forum tab on your Challonge page (default: false)

Optional hold_third_place_match

hold_third_place_match: boolean

Single Elimination only. Include a match between semifinal losers? (default: false)


name: string

Your event's name/title (Max: 60 characters)

Optional notify_users_when_matches_open

notify_users_when_matches_open: boolean

Email registered Challonge participants when matches open up for them (default: false)

Optional notify_users_when_the_tournament_ends

notify_users_when_the_tournament_ends: boolean

Email registered Challonge participants the results when this tournament ends (default: false)

Optional open_signup

open_signup: boolean

Have Challonge host a sign-up page (otherwise, you manually add all participants)

Optional private

private: boolean

ide this tournament from the public browsable index and your profile (default: false)

Optional pts_for_bye

pts_for_bye: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 1.0

Optional pts_for_game_tie

pts_for_game_tie: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.0

Optional pts_for_game_win

pts_for_game_win: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.0

Optional pts_for_match_tie

pts_for_match_tie: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.5

Optional pts_for_match_win

pts_for_match_win: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 1.0

Optional ranked_by

Round robin ranking, see more

Optional rr_pts_for_game_tie

rr_pts_for_game_tie: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom only" - default: 0.0

Optional rr_pts_for_game_win

rr_pts_for_game_win: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom only" - default: 0.0

Optional rr_pts_for_match_tie

rr_pts_for_match_tie: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom only" - default: 0.5

Optional rr_pts_for_match_win

rr_pts_for_match_win: number

Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom only" - default: 1.0

Optional sequential_pairings

sequential_pairings: boolean

Instead of traditional seeding rules, make pairings by going straight down the list of participants. First round matches are filled in top to bottom, then qualifying matches (if applicable). (default: false)

Optional show_rounds

show_rounds: boolean

Single & Double Elimination only - Label each round above the bracket (default: false)

Optional signup_cap

signup_cap: number

Maximum number of participants in the bracket. A waiting list (attribute on Participant) will capture participants once the cap is reached.

Optional start_at

start_at: Date

The planned or anticipated start time for the tournament (Used with check_in_duration to determine participant check-in window). Timezone defaults to Eastern.

Optional subdomain

subdomain: string

subdomain.challonge.com/url (Requires write access to the specified subdomain)

Optional swiss_rounds

swiss_rounds: number

Swiss only - We recommend limiting the number of rounds to less than two-thirds the number of players. Otherwise, an impossible pairing situation can be reached and your tournament may end before the desired number of rounds are played.

Optional tournament_type

tournament_type: tournamentTypeEnum

Single elimination (default), double elimination, round robin, swiss


url: string

challonge.com/url (letters, numbers, and underscores only)

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